1/24 GMA T.50 Mechanical parts & Disk rotor Set.【Advantageous Price Set.】
【Product description 】
Reproduce the standard parts with etched parts. This product is the first with special benefits for modelers who will incorporate LEDs in the future.
★ Mechanical parts Set. (with seat belt cloth) ・ Contents
① License plate
② Wheel cap
③ Light reflector
④ Seat belt buckle
⑤ Radiator panel
⑥ Oil panel
⑦ Wiper blade
⑧ Speaker mesh
⑨ Fan ring
⑩ Rear tail mesh
⑪ Rear intake mesh
⑫ ABC pedal
⑬ Various emblems
⑭ Various emblems
★ LED Reflector Box Set. ・ Contents
① Triple meter panel
② Head light
③ Side blinker
④ Side blinker
⑤ Room lamp
⑥ Back light
⑦ Back light
★ Disk rotor Set.
※ Motor tools are essential tools.
〔Caution〕 LED lights and control devices are not included in this product. Please purchase separately.
【For advanced modelers】
Coming Soon!! Product information ←here